Stop blaming BP for what has happened and take a look in the fucking mirror!

And in comes the damage control from BP Oil.  According to this article, the oil giant is trying  to pay off fishermen so they will not sue.  Of course they are.  And for anyone out there with any business sense what-so-ever, it makes sense.  It happens all the time.   Come on people…why are you so surprised?  Of course

Stop blaming BP for what has happened and take a look in the fucking mirror! Read More »

Happy Easter, Catholics – Your Pope has been covering up child molestation…

Um….where do i begin? Woke up this morning to the tv telling me that the pope has been covering up child molestation for years. Am I surprised? No. Is there any justification? Um, fuck no. “I am the Lord, Your God! You shall have no other Gods before me…” Really? People believe in this shit?

Happy Easter, Catholics – Your Pope has been covering up child molestation… Read More »



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