And in comes the damage control from BP Oil. According to this article, the oil giant is trying to pay off fishermen so they will not sue. Of course they are. And for anyone out there with any business sense what-so-ever, it makes sense. It happens all the time.
Come on people…why are you so surprised? Of course they would try this scheme first. the looming lawsuits could (and most likely, would) bankrupt them. Duh. And while I do believe that there should have been more planning and DEFINITELY a crisis plan – the real people to blame our ourselves.
We don’t want to be dependent on oil from the Middle East, we cant drill in Alaska, and now everyone is going to be against drilling in the Gulf. Yet we still fly all over the world, drive single passenger cars to work, dismiss (Austin’s shitty) public transportation, and use petroleum in a plethora of other ways.
How about everyone just go ahead and shut the fuck up and walk/ride your bike, stop wearing clothes, painting, purchasing and having records made, and stop using photographic films. No? Ok then, how about we go ahead stop fucking bitching and donate your time and energy to FIXING THE problem! shit, people – for real…