fashion time

Spring Break in S. Texas and Mexico become a safety hazard…

and everyone wants to blame the Mexican Drug Cartel…um, folks…i hate to say it, but the fuckin Cartel receives the majority of their income, albeit illegal, from WEED.  DIRT WEED none-the-less,  you god damned idiots. Uh, really? Decapitation…for weed? Personally, I don’t think that’s necessary. does someone clean your house for you?  do your lawn?

Spring Break in S. Texas and Mexico become a safety hazard… Read More »

It’s Friday, and Katie Holmes still looks like an asshole!

what the hell is she thinking? all week long (for real, every damn day) we have had to witness the worst attempt of the worst fashion comeback EVER! the pegged jeans look will never come back, and personally, i would never wear any fad that was brought back by this strange monster. stop it already,

It’s Friday, and Katie Holmes still looks like an asshole! Read More »



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