Ok, this is good…but below you will find something much, and I mean way much, more amusing!
Here is Britney entering Winston’s…(with a friend)
And, this is also Brit entering Winston’s…still with a friend…
What up? This girl has obviously not had the chance to be a kid. Ladies, remember the days of changing outfits with your friends at school? Borrowing clothes from one another? Leaving your house (and folks) in the morning in one very conservative argyle sweater and getting to school to change into knee high argyle socks, a mini, and a teeny sweater? (ok, so I never did the latter, but it’s in all the videos).
What is this girl thinking? She has got some serious issues…I think I hear “Promises” calling her name.
p.s. b/c she will never get her act together again, and she continues to amuse with her totall ya-hooness, GBJ has dedicated a whole category just to Ms. Spears-Alexander-Federline-Spears! Sa-Weet!