TOPIC: America’s Crumbling Infrastructure…and then I’ll get to the hot Asian stripper that just stopped my bf in the parking lot!

So, the other night we were watching a program on the Science Channel about America’s quality (NOT) infrastructure. It was basically outlining exactly how fucked this country would be if we were to ever experience an extended blackout. The show was focusing on the 2003 blackout of the east coast. I was not aware that that episode was brought upon by ONE electrical wire that touched a tree…in OHIO! It shut down power (and many cities) near the eastern seaboard and up into Canada. The engineers were saying that electricity is our lifeblood, and that the system is in such disrepair, that the citizens of the free world are going to see a mind blowing outage in our future. Shutting down roads, all business as we know it, refrigeration, all forms of communication, transportation, AIR CONDITIONING (it was 102 today in Austin), and list goes on and on. A blackout of this caliber could possibly be the largest tragedy known to mankind. They were saying that it would cost somewhere around 2 TRILLION dollars for the circuit boards to be brought up tp modern standards. So, here is my question, why on earth are we giving our hard earned tax dollars to car companies? I don’t want a fuckin, made in the USA, piece of shit car. I had one…it sucked. Instead, how come we could not invest in our electrical system? It would absolutely create more jobs than the car industry, and would be much more fruitfull. It would save lives. It could could possibly save our country as we know it.

Why shitty cars?



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