SXSW 2008 Update #5, rehab mode

First of all, Happy St. Patty’s Day to all you mother fuckin Irish sons of bitches! No green beer or Guiness for me today, after the week I had, I am putting myself in rehab for a while. Rehab on my couch and at work. I have not been to work in almost a week. And believe me, I lived it up!

Sooo, on Friday night, my girl and I ended up getting in to see Destroyer…thank you bf and eric…you made our night!

First up was Wye Oak, formerly Monarch, from Baltimore. They were amazing. They are the cutest kids in the world. They are in love and you can tell. They gave me goosebumps!



Then there were a couple of bands that I have no idea who they were, and for a reason. They blew! Then, finally, Destroyer!

Please, check them out if you ever get a chance. I promise!



The big day on Saturday!

We started off first with a couple of day parties. We saw Brownout, a latin mondo funk band w/ horns…they groove. This weekend was filled w/ “firsts” for me, like seeing another friend’s band, MyEducation. They were fantastic, as always, from what I hear. Pure instrumental and rock. A great combo!


We went home to regroup, and then headed to The Chain Drive to see some more friends of mine, BASIC!

Thank you guys. Amazing as always!


The the party took another turn at Club Ninety Proof for some hip hop! What a great idea this was…First up, Team Facelift! Amazing vocals and costumes, they were great fun. The Jameson helped!


The the show stopper, Lord T & Eloise. (That is my crazy bitch Heather licking his face on their myspace page) Trust me, go look them up. Go buy the cd’s. You will thank me.


At this point it was getting late and the Jameson got the best of me and it was about time to scat anyways…yes, I missed Roxy Cottontail, shame on me. So did many I guess cuz from what I heard, there were not many people there and she was PISSED!

Maybe next time!

All in all, it was a fucking blast. I recommend SXSW to anyone who needs a fix…I had always been a major fan of ACL, but it holds no candle to SX kids. Do you and me a favor and get there next year. No matter what it takes.

note: once I get my camera up and working again I will add some pics. As incriminating as they may be, I will add some pics!

Ciao babies…

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